Thursday, June 26, 2008

Blake Bennett, 4 months

Well, Blake won't officially be 4 months until the 28th, but he had his check up today since we leave for Mexico on Monday (6/30). Here are his 4 month stats:

Blake Bennett
Weight: 16 pounds, 11.5 ounces
Length: 26 1/4 inches
Head Circumference: 43 centimeters

Now, let's compare him to Gavin at 4 months, checking...

Gavin Scott, 4 months
Weight: 18 pounds, 11 ounces
Length: 27 1/2 inches
Head: 44 centimeters

A two pound weight difference and Blake is definitely lacking the "Michelin Man" rolls that Gavin was famous for. Blake does have his own version of chub-a-lub that we all love, especially the double chin.

After our visit with Dr. Neglia, we went over to the imaging center to have Blake's hips x-rayed. They like to x-ray the hips of breech babies to make sure that their hips are correctly positioned in the sockets. Update: Phone call received, his hips are normal.

Happy 4 month birthday Blake!

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